Seville in 2017

Buggy drivers sitting in their carriages, absorbed in their conversation. CROP
Buggy drivers sitting in their carriages, absorbed in their conversation.

The idea of men sitting in their workplace, which is what the carriages are, appealed to me. That and the fact that they were absorbed in their conversation. I particularly like the body and arm position of the man talking, the kind of presence that comes from being with people with whom one is comfortable.

Shot with a Fuji X100s at f/ 4.0, 1/640 second and ISO 200.


two photographers examining the settings on a camera

This is from April 2019, in what was an age of innocence before COVID hit. I don’t know the name of either of these people but we were on a camera walkabout together in a group of about ten of us. I’ve titled this with the name of the image from my Fuji X-T2 with 18-55 lens at 55mm, shot at ISO 400, 1/125th of a second and f5.6.

I remember that the camera they are looking at belonged to the man on the left and he was not sure about the settings, and the other man was helping him out.


Man in Edwardian dress at Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Man in Edwardian dress at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2014

Member Of Gog Magog Molly

member of a mixed molly troupe based in Cambridge who perform brightly coloured, geometric, high-energy Molly (Morris) dancing.

Gog Magog Molly is a mixed (men and women) troupe based in Cambridge with their own style of
brightly coloured, geometric, high-energy Molly (Morris) dancing.

Peter Nixon

This is Peter Nixon who has been photographing the people who stand for Ukraine at a vigil week after week more or less since the war began.

Shot with a Canon R6 with 35mm RF lens.

Click the photo and it will bring up a bigger version. Click again and it will bring up a yet bigger version,